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Original Article
10 (
); 30-34

Corona mortis—A south Indian cadaveric study

Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Address for correspondence: Prof. Vetrivel Chezian Sengodan, Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail:

This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
This article was originally published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow and was migrated to Scientific Scholar after the change of Publisher.

How to cite this article: Sengodan VC, Sivagnanam M, Selvaraj R, Rathinasamy S. Corona mortis-A south Indian cadaveric study. J Orthop Spine 2022;10:30-4.



“Corona mortis” is an abnormal arterial or venous connection between the obturator and the inferior epigastric or external iliac arteries or veins, which can cause torrential bleeding leading to the death of the individual. It may be encountered during acetabular surgeries, hernia surgeries, and gynecological procedures. The purpose of our study is to determine the incidence and variations of corona mortis in the south Indian population.


Forty hemipelves of 20 cadavers were in our study group. With the cadaver in the supine position, dissection was done using Stoppa’s approach. After dissection, data about the presence or absence of corona mortis, the nature of corona mortis (arterial/venous/arteriovenous variant), and the distance between corona mortis and pubic symphysis were collected.


Corona mortis was present in 33 (82.5%) hemipelves. It was bilateral in 13 (65%) cadavers. It was present in all the female cadavers on both sides, whereas it was present in 21 (75%) out of the 28 male hemipelves. Venous variant was present in 26 (78.78%), followed by arteriovenous variant in five (15.16%), and arterial variant in two (6.06%) hemipelves. The mean distance of corona mortis from pubic symphysis was 55.65 mm.


The incidence of corona mortis was 82.5% in our study. Our study was dominated by the venous variant compared with the arterial and arteriovenous variants. Corona mortis had gender variations: it was present in all the females in our study, whereas it was not so among males as per our study.


Cadaveric study
corona mortis
south Indian population


“Corona mortis” is an abnormal arterial or venous connection between the obturator and the inferior epigastric or external iliac arteries or veins.[1] The term corona mortis means “crown of death,” because the damage to this vessel can cause torrential bleeding, which may lead to the death of the individual.[2] The corona mortis may be encountered during acetabular surgeries, hernia surgeries, and gynecological procedures. Hence it is very important for surgeons to have a clear knowledge about corona mortis.[2] The purpose of our study is to determine the incidence and variations of corona mortis in the south Indian population.

Materials and Methods

The study was performed between January 2020 and March 2021 after obtaining the institutional ethical committee approval. We included 40 hemipelves of 20 cadavers in our study group. Among the 20 cadavers, 14 (28 hemipelves) were male, and six (12 hemipelves) were female. Nondecomposed fresh adult cadavers were included in our study. Pediatric cadavers and mutilated or decomposed cadavers were excluded.

Both hemipelves of all the cadavers were dissected. With the cadaver in the supine position, dissection was done using Stoppa’s approach. A Pfannenstiel incision was made just above the pubic symphysis [Figure 1]. Subcutaneous tissue was divided in line with the skin incision to expose the rectus fascia [Figure 2]. The rectus fascia was incised longitudinally along the linea alba to expose the rectus muscles [Figure 3]. Both bellies of the rectus abdominis muscle were retracted laterally [Figure 4]. The medial part of the rectus muscle was partly detached from the upper part of the symphysis on the side of dissection to allow the rectus to retract for better exposure [Figure 5]. The upper border of the superior pubic ramus was identified, and blunt dissection was carried laterally along the pelvic brim to expose the corona mortis vessel [Figure 6]. After dissection, data about the presence or absence of corona mortis vessel, the nature of corona mortis (arterial/venous/arteriovenous variant) [Figure 7], and the distance between the corona mortis and the pubic symphysis using a digital vernier caliper with marker pins placed over the symphysis pubis and the site of corona mortis were collected [Figure 8].

Pfannenstiel incision made just above the pubic symphysis
Figure 1
Pfannenstiel incision made just above the pubic symphysis
Subcutaneous tissue divided in line with the skin incision to expose the rectus fascia
Figure 2
Subcutaneous tissue divided in line with the skin incision to expose the rectus fascia
Rectus fascia incised longitudinally along the linea alba to expose the rectus muscles
Figure 3
Rectus fascia incised longitudinally along the linea alba to expose the rectus muscles
Both bellies of the rectus abdominis muscle retracted laterally
Figure 4
Both bellies of the rectus abdominis muscle retracted laterally
Medial part of the rectus muscle partly detached from the upper part of the symphysis on the side of dissection to allow the rectus to retract for a better exposure
Figure 5
Medial part of the rectus muscle partly detached from the upper part of the symphysis on the side of dissection to allow the rectus to retract for a better exposure
Presence of corona mortis vessel (venous variant) connecting the external iliac vein and obturator vein
Figure 6
Presence of corona mortis vessel (venous variant) connecting the external iliac vein and obturator vein
Corona mortis with both arterial and venous variants
Figure 7
Corona mortis with both arterial and venous variants
Distance between the corona mortis and pubic symphysis is measured using a digital vernier caliper with marker pins placed over the symphysis pubis and the site of corona mortis
Figure 8
Distance between the corona mortis and pubic symphysis is measured using a digital vernier caliper with marker pins placed over the symphysis pubis and the site of corona mortis


Among the 40 hemipelves included in our study, corona mortis was present in 33 (82.5%) hemipelves and absent in seven (17.5%) hemipelves.

Regarding the side distribution, it was bilateral in 13 (65%) cadavers. Among the unilateral cases, as per our study, corona mortis was present on the right side in three (15%) cadavers and on the left side in four (20%) cadavers [Table 1].

Table 1: Incidence of corona mortis and side distribution
No. of cadavers Corona mortis present Corona mortis present in both hemipelves Corona mortis present on the right side only Corona mortis present on the left side only
20 cadavers (40 hemipelves) 33 (82.5%) hemipelves 13 (65%) cadavers Three (15%) cadavers Four (20%) cadavers

As per our study, corona mortis was present in all the female cadavers on both sides, whereas it was present in 21 (75%) out of the 28 male hemipelves [Table 2]. These values were analyzed with the chi-squared test and were found to be statistically insignificant (P > 0.05).

Table 2: Gender distribution of corona mortis
Gender No. of hemipelves Corona mortis present Corona mortis absent
Male 28 21 (75%) 7 (25%)
Female 12 12 (100%) Nil

Regarding the anatomy of the corona mortis, the venous variant was present in 26 (78.78%) of the 33 hemipelves, which had corona mortis, followed by the arteriovenous variant in five (15.16%) hemipelves and arterial variant in two (6.06%) hemipelves [Table 3].

Table 3: Nature of the corona mortis vessel
Corona mortis present (total hemipelves) Venous connection Arterial connection Both arterial and venous connection
33 26 (78.78%) 2 (6.06%) 5 (15.16%)

Regarding the distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis, the maximum distance was 90 mm, the minimum distance was 40 mm, and the mean distance was 55.65 mm.

The mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis in males was 59.09 mm, and in females, it was 60 mm. As per our study, the mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis is more among females compared with males.

The mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis on the right side was 60 mm, whereas it was 51.30 mm on the left side [Table 4].

Table 4: Mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis
Gender Mean (mm) Right (mm) Left (mm)
Male and female 55.65 60 51.3
Male 59.09 60 58.18
Female 60 61.67 58.33

These values were analyzed with paired sample t-test and were found to be statistically insignificant (P > 0.05).


Corona mortis is an anatomical variant between the obturator and the inferior epigastric or the external iliac arteries or veins.[1] Thus, it is a communication between the internal iliac and the external iliac vascular systems.[2]

According to the literature, it is present on the posterior aspect of the superior pubic ramus at a variable distance from the pubic symphysis.[1] In corona mortis, the venous connection is more common than arterial connection, and the presence of both arterial and venous connections has been documented in 20% of the specimens.[1]

In 2004, Okcu et al. in Turkey reported the incidence of corona mortis to be 61%. As per the study, the venous variant was the predominant type (85.71%) followed by the arterial variant (14.29%).[3]

In 2004, Hong et al. in China reported that the incidence of corona mortis was 72%. They reported the mean distance of the corona mortis vessel from the pubic symphysis was 52 mm.[4]

In 2016, Nayak et al. in Karnataka, India, reported a 51% incidence of corona mortis. According to the study, the arterial variant was the most predominant type (83.79%) followed by the venous variant (16.21%).[5]

In 2017, Pillay et al. in Kerala, India, reported the incidence of corona mortis to be 77%. The venous variant was the most predominant (54.07%), followed by the arteriovenous variant (37.83%) and the arterial variant being the least predominant type (8.10%).[6]

In 2018, Kashyap et al. in Shimla, India, reported 58.3% incidence of corona mortis. According to his study, the bilateral presence of corona mortis was seen in 41.7% of the cadavers, followed by the left-sided presence in 37.5% and the right-sided presence in 20.8% of the cadavers. As per their study, the venous variant was the most predominant type (85.72%) followed by the arterial variant (14.28%). The mean distance of the corona mortis vessel from the pubic symphysis was 41 mm.[7]

In 2021, Abbas et al. in Sudan reported a 43% incidence of corona mortis. As per their study, the arteriovenous variant was the predominant type (61.5%), followed by the arterial variant (30.8%), and the venous variant was the least predomina nt type (7.7%).[8]

We compared our study with similar studies done in other parts of the world [Table 5]. As per our study, the incidence of corona mortis was 82.5%, which is significantly higher than other studies in the world.

Table 5: Comparison of our study with similar studies around the globe
Sample size (hemipelvis) CM present (%) Bilateral presence (%) Right (%) Left (%) Venous (%) Arterial (%) Venous and arterial (%) Mean distance (PS to CM) (mm)
Okcu et al. (Turkey, 2004)[3] 150 61 - - - 85.71 14.29 Nil -
Hong et al. (China, 2004)[4] 50 72 - - - - - - 52
Abbas et al. (Sudan, 2021)[8] 30 43 - - - 7.7 30.8 61.5 -
Our south Indian study 40 82.5 65 15 20 78.78 6.06 15.16 55.65

CM = corona mortis, PS = pubic symphysis

In our study, venous variant was more predominant (78.78%), which is similar to the study in Turkey where the venous variant was more predominant (85.71%).[3]

In our study, the mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis was 55.65 mm, whereas it was 52 mm in the study done in China.[4]

We also compared our study with similar studies done in India [Table 6]. In our study, the incidence of corona mortis was 82.5%, whereas it was 77.08% in the study done in Kerala,[6] followed by 58.3% in the study from Shimla[7] and 51% in the study from Karnataka.[5]

Table 6: Comparison of our study with similar studies in India
Sample size (hemipelvis) CM present (%) Bilateral presence (%) Right (%) Left (%) Venous (%) Arterial (%) Venous & arterial (%) Mean distance (PS to CM) (mm)
Nayak et al. (Karnataka, India 2016)[5] 73 51 - - - 16.21 83.79 Nil -
Pillay et al. (Kerala, India, 2017)[6] 48 77.08 - - - 54.07 8.10 37.83 -
Kashyap et al. (Shimla, India, 2018)[7] 24 58.3 41.7 20.8 37.5 85.72 14.28 Nil 41
Our south Indian study 40 82.5 65 15 20 78.78 6.06 15.16 55.65

CM = corona mortis, PS = pubic symphysis

In our study, the venous variant was more predominant (78.78%), which is similar to the studies done in Shimla (85.72%)[7] and Kerala (54.07%),[6] where the venous variant was more predominant.

In our study, the bilateral presence of corona mortis was 65%, whereas it was 41.7% in the study from Shimla.[7]

The mean distance of the corona mortis from the pubic symphysis in our study was 55.65 mm, whereas it was 41 mm in the study done in Shimla.[7]


The identification and isolation of the corona mortis are very important during pelvic-acetabular and hernia surgeries. The incidence of corona mortis was 82.5% in our study. Our study was dominated by the venous variant compared with the arterial and arteriovenous variants. Corona mortis had gender variations: it was present in all the females in our study, whereas it was not so among males as per our study. Our sample size is small. A large multicentric study may be necessary to confirm our results.

Financial support and sponsorship



We would like to thank Prof. T. Jeyasingh and the Department of Forensic Medicine, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital for their support.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.


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